

usage: there [-h] [-p PORT] [-b BAUDRATE] [--set-rtc]
            [--reset-on-connect] [-c COMMAND] [-i] [--reset] [-u USER]
            [-w PASSWORD] [-v] [--develop] [--timeit]
            ACTION ...

Do stuff via the MicroPython REPL

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

port settings:
  -p PORT, --port PORT  set the serial port
  -b BAUDRATE, --baudrate BAUDRATE
                        set the baud rate

operations before running action:
  --set-rtc             set the RTC to "now" before command is executed
  --reset-on-connect    do a soft reset as first operation ( will not
                        be executed)

operations after running action:
  -c COMMAND, --command COMMAND
                        execute given code on target
  -i, --interactive     drop to interactive shell at the end
  --reset               do a soft reset on the end

  -u USER, --user USER  response to login prompt
  -w PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
                        response to password prompt

  -v, --verbose         show diagnostic messages, repeat for more
  --develop             show tracebacks on errors (development of this tool)
  --timeit              measure command run time

  use " ACTION --help" for more on each sub-command

  ACTION                sub-command help
    detect              help locating a board
    run                 execute file contents on target
    ls                  list files
    hash                hash files
    cat                 print contents of one file
    pull                file(s) to copy from target
    push                file(s) to copy onto target
    rm                  remove files from target
    df                  Show filesystem information
    mount               Make target files accessible via FUSE
    rtc                 Read the real time clock (RTC)

One or two --verbose flag print progress information on stderr for some actions, e.g. push and pull list deltas with one -v and all files with two. A third --verbose (or -vvv) also prints the data exchanged between PC and target.

The order of operation is as follows:

  1. execute --reset-on-connect
  2. execute action (run, push etc.)
  3. run statements that are given with --command
  4. execute –reset
  5. start miniterm if --interactive is given

All of these steps can be combined or used on their own.

The environment variables MPY_PORT, MPY_BAUDRATE, MPY_USER and MPY_PASSWORD are used as defaults if the corresponding command line options are not given. And if those are not given, the default is hwgrep://USB and 115200 baud, and None for user and password.

hwgrep://USB picks a random USB-Serial adapter, works best if there is only one MicroPython board connected. Otherwise the detect action should be used to find the comport and use --port option or environment variable.

If --user and --password are given, it waits for a login and password prompt after connecting. This is useful when connecting to e.g. a WiPy via telnet.



Help finding MicroPython boards.

By default it simply lists all serial ports. If --test is used, each of the ports is opened (with the given --baudrate) and tested for a Python prompt. If there is no response it runs in a timeout, so this option is quite a bit slower that just listing the ports.

usage: there detect [-h] [-t]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t, --test            open and test each port


Execute the contents of a (small) file on the target, without saving it to the targets file system.

The file contents is sent to the REPL. The execution time is limited (see --timeout option to change) unless --interactive is given, then miniterm is started immediately.

usage: there run [-h] [-t TIMEOUT] [FILE]

positional arguments:
  FILE                  load this file contents

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUT
                        wait x seconds for completion

Note, larger files can be executed using push and --command combined.


List files on the targets file system. With --long more details are shown such as the file size.

usage: there ls [-h] [-l] [-r] [PATH [PATH ...]]

positional arguments:
  PATH                  paths to list

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -l, --long            show more info
  -r, --recursive       list contents of directories

The file date (shown in --long format) is often not very useful as most MicroPython boards do not have a battery backed RTC running.


Loads a file from the target and prints it contents to stdout (in binary mode).

usage: there cat [-h] PATH

positional arguments:
  PATH                  filename on target

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


Remove files and/or directories on the target.

usage: there rm [-h] [-f] [-r] [--dry-run] PATH [PATH ...]

positional arguments:
  PATH                  filename on target

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f, --force           delete anyway / no error if not existing
  -r, --recursive       remove directories recursively
  --dry-run             do not actually create anything on target


Copies files and directories from the MicroPython board to the PC.

The remote path should be absolute (starting with /) and supports wildcards, e.g. /*.py. On POSIX systems it may be needed to escape wildcards to avoid local expansion (e.g. /\*.py or with quotes "/*.py".

usage: there pull [-h] [-r] [--dry-run] REMOTE [REMOTE ...] LOCAL

positional arguments:
  REMOTE                one or more source files/directories
  LOCAL                 destination directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -r, --recursive       copy recursively
  --dry-run             do not actually create anything on target


Copies files and directories from the PC to the MicroPython board.

The remote path should be absolute (starting with /). When copying a single file, the remote path may be a directory or a path including filename. When copying multiple files it must be a directory. The local path supports wildcards, e.g. *.py.

usage: push [-h] [-r] [--dry-run] [--force]
                        LOCAL [LOCAL ...] REMOTE

positional arguments:
  LOCAL            one or more source files/directories
  REMOTE           destination directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -r, --recursive  copy recursively
  --dry-run        do not actually create anything on target
  --force          write always, skip up-to-date check

Directories named .git or __pycache__ are excluded.

By default files are first checked (SHA256) if they are already up to date and copying is not needed. This speeds up transfer substantially. With --force, this check will be skipped and the files are always transferred.

The action can also be combined with --command and --interactive to start the downloaded code and see its output.


Create new directory.

usage: there mkdir [-h] [--parents] PATH [PATH ...]

positional arguments:
  PATH        filename on target

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --parents   create parents


Generate and print a SHA256 hash for each file given.

usage: there hash [-h] [-r] [PATH [PATH ...]]

positional arguments:
  PATH             paths to list

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -r, --recursive  list contents of directories


Show file system info.

usage: theredf [-h] [PATH [PATH ...]]

positional arguments:
  PATH        remote path

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit


Mount the target as file system via FUSE.

usage: there mount [-h] [-e] MOUNTPOINT

positional arguments:
  MOUNTPOINT            local mount point, directory must exist

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -e, --explore         auto open file explorer at mount point

A virtual file system is created and attached to the given directory. It mirrors the contents of the MicroPython board. Operations such as creating, renaming, deleting are supported.

To improve performance, the mount command is caching data such as directory listings and stat file infos. The cache is set to be valid for 10 seconds.


Read and print the real time clock on baords that support pyb.RTC():

usage: rtc [-h] [--test]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  --test      test if the clock runs

The --test function reads the clock twice and check that it is running.